Your Digital Guide to the Lowe Art Museum

image of a hand holding a mobile phone with an app open. The text stating "Bloomberg Connects" is in the left corner of the image. image of a hand holding a mobile phone with an app open. The text stating "Bloomberg Connects" is in the left corner of the image.

Explore The Lowe Art Museum with Bloomberg Connects

The Lowe Art Museum is proud to share its Bloomberg Connects app! Made possible by generous support from Bloomberg Philanthropies, the app offers visitors a unique and interactive way to explore the museum's collection. 

Access educational resources, including audio and video content, in-depth descriptions of individual artworks, interviews with artists, and interactive maps that guide you through the museum's galleries. The Bloomberg Connects app is free to download on both Apple and Android devices. 

View the browser-based version of the guide, or scan the QR code below to access the free Bloomberg Connects App. After downloading, search "Lowe" to begin exploring the collection like never before! 

Click Here to Download
