The Haas Brothers: S. Car, Go!

Haas Brothers, Cyclapo Binazzi, 2025. Hand-carved Pele de Tigre and blown glass, 70 x 42 x 59 inches (177.8 x 106.68 x 149.86 cm). Courtesy Haas Brothers. Photo: Rock Star Studio, Portugal. © Haas Brothers

April 11, 2025 – January 3, 2026

Engaging, unconventional, and humorous, this creative duo is known for blurring the boundary between art, craft, and design, playfully mashing up the high-brow and the accessible. Featuring newly created, site-specific works in stone and glass, S. Car Go! marries the Haas Brothers' latest forays into contemporary glass with their long-standing commitment to exquisitely carved stone. They note: "The humorous snail [serves, in this context,] as hero figure and champion of our studio's devotion to craft." 

The Haas Brothers: S. Car, Go! was made possible by an Anonymous Donor; the Palley Family; the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council; the Miami-Dade Mayor and Board of County Commissioners; the City of Coral Gables; Beaux Arts Miami; the Lowe Advisory Council; and Lowe members.  
